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(818) 805-0026  

Call (818) 805-0026 to talk to a Lift Chair specialist.

Let Us Tell You Our Story

From the Beginning...

There are many lift chairs available on the market, but they lack one critical factor — they were not designed by doctors.. There are a lot of documented studies about how effective lift chairs are at relieving various medical conditions. For that reason, we were surprised to discover that virtually no company was manufacturing a true medical lift chair backed by doctors. Although we were happy to wait for another company to develop the perfect lift chair, after years of waiting, it became clear that was not going to happen. We grew tired of waiting. This is why we started developing our very own Medical Lift Chair™.

Our Development Process

Before we built our lift chairs we tried, tested, and heavily researched all the leading lift chairs on the market, and the results we found were frightening. Most of the lift chairs being sold today miss the whole point of being medical. A great lift chair should help fix your posture, reduce pain throughout your entire body, and help you fall asleep, at a minimum.

Unfortunately, most lift chairs fail to meet this basic threshold. Even worse, some of the lift chairs we tested cause more harm than good.

If a company would lie about that, what else aren't they telling you? Because lift chairs are so popular, most are made just to cash in on the lift chair craze. They are poorly made with shoddy materials and provide practically no health benefits.

Making money is important for any company, but this is not a priority for us when we’re creating our lift chairs. The most important thing is helping the thousands of people that buy our lift chairs every year.

84 million Americans suffer from cardiovascular problems*, 53 million Americans deal with arthritis**, and 60 million Americans have problems sleeping every night†. Our lift chairs are without equal and will not only make you feel good while you’re using them, but have a lasting impact after you exit them. We’ve worked around the clock with some of the biggest doctors from Princeton, Yale, and Stanford to create and develop the ultimate line of lift chairs. Together, it took us over 10 years to perfect the process. Since the medical benefits of lift chairs were our sole priority throughout the design and engineering process, we felt that there was no better name for our company than Medical Lift Chairs™.

We accept nothing less than perfection so we are in control of the product from start to finish; we don't allow any middlemen to compromise our vision. You can purchase our lift chairs directly from us with confidence, knowing that you're getting an unmatched product.

Many of our competitors offer lift chairs that are poorly made or that are missing key features. Medical Lift Chairs are made with top notch materials, our manufacturing practices are industrial grade, and our facilities are world class. We spare no expense when making chairs that can help you heal.

It's our mission to help you improve your body, mind, and soul with our lift chairs. We are proud to finally unveil our lift chair with truly medical benefits -- A Medical Doctor's Lift Chair.

Medical Lift Chairs™ is a division of Medical Breakthrough™.



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